Drafting a Policy Analysis: How to raise it to the optimal level?

  • AutorInnen: Loic Simonet, Clemens Binder, Valentina Gruarin, Johannes Späth, Cengiz Günay, Vedran Dzihic, Daniela Pisoi (all from the oiip)
  • Veröffentlicht:: 23. April 2023
  • Policy Brief Nr.: 1
  • SDG:

Knowledge and ideas have potency in politics and are part of the character of power. Expertise and knowhow are precious public goods in any society, but even more so in a globalized world characterized by increasing complexity, growing interdependence and technological advancement. However, despite an increase in the demand for expertise, many democratic governments have avoided engaging with external support. This is even more surprising as governments and state institutions have often struggled with limited human and financial resources, bureaucratization, and a lack in specialization. Budgetary constraints, cuts in human resources, growing work load and time pressure have often led to reactive policymaking and prevented innovative policy approaches.

To read more, download the Policy Brief HERE.

(Picture by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash)