First Annual Conference of the UWK-IDM Project “European Dis/Orders” in Trieste

First Annual Conference of the UWK-IDM Project “European Dis/Orders” in Trieste

On November 22, 2024, the First Annual Conference of the joint project “European Dis/Orders” by the University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK) and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) took place in Trieste, in partnership with the University of Trieste. The project “European Dis/Orders” explores concepts of order and narratives of crises, both theoretically and through specific case studies. It is based on the idea that democracy is a dynamic process, while taking a critical look at populism as a threat that thrives on the promise of “order.” The case studies focus on crisis phenomena and discourses, with a particular emphasis on the East-Central and South Eastern European region.

The theme of the First Annual Conference was “Borders,” examined from an interdisciplinary perspective. The concept was developed by Christina Hainzl and Péter Techet and it focused on how “borders” are perceived and constructed in political discourses, as well as their impact on migration and identities.

Participants from the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, and Slovenia gave presentations on topics such as migration in the context of the climate crisis, historical identity constructions beyond “national” borders in the Upper Adriatic region (particularly in relation to social policy), and populist narratives on migration, illustrated through case studies from Hungary, Serbia, and Italy.

The second conference in the “European Dis/Orders” series will be held on the 18th and 19th of June 2025, in Venice and examine the theme „Conflicts“.


Photos © Carl Philipp Hoffmann